Thursday, May 04, 2006

The tower that man endeavored to build at Babel was to be a massive and monolithic structure built to stand as a monument to man's ability to reach the heavens. Not only was this tower to be USED to reach heaven, it would in and of itself have stood as testimony to man's prideful boasting in himself. God declared that man would believe anything about himself if he was able to complete the job at Babel, and so God intervened and caused the confusion of languages and the destruction of the tower.
In our day, God has watched as man once again has built massive towers not only for business, but, again, as monuments to men's achievements. Five years ago, one of the most impressive and lasting symbols of man's drive to dominate the world and rule it himself came crashing down as mankind turned on one another again. The Word tells us that the heart of man is evil and desperately wicked, does it not? Why, then, should we be shocked at events like those of 9/11/01? We should not. Further, we should let these things stand as reminders that there is no good in man that has raised him up above the selfishness and cruelty he displays to his fellows.
We should further remember, however (and this will be hateful and foolish talk to the unregenerate), that these towers that fell were both actual centers of and symbolic representations of man's greed, his self-centeredness, his pride and his belief that he is able to control his destiny by the control of wealth and resources. Is it any wonder, then, that God in His mighty power and by His sovereign perogative sent the heathen of the world to tear the towers down? Why should man once again be able to fool himself into thinking that he is master of his own destiny? God is alone the Sovereign over all that lives. His glory will not be diminished one little bit by the designs of man, and the reminders of His awesome and absolute might should make the sinner shudder. The pride and sinfulness of man have stirred God from His place in the past; let those who have been saved by His grace "work out (our) own salvation with fear and trembling".
Great and mighty God, Who deigns to call us His elect children, grant always that the demonstrations which Thou hast made of Thy rule and reign over the earth might stir us to remember how great Thy power truly is. Cause us by Thy Spirit not to boast in any of our deeds or feelings, but to remember that "the excellency of the power might be of God and not of us". Grant this through our Savior, Jesus Christ, who is alone able to save to the uttermost. Amen.


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