Tuesday, May 09, 2006

"For we know that the law is spiritual; I am carnal, sold under sin."

"Just a little bit"
"Only once in a while"
"I/we are cutting back"
"It's no big deal"

Do the above sound like the words of those with a proper Biblical perspective of themselves in relation to God's holy standard? Do they not rather sound like an addict who is under the controlling thumb of some substance? The apostle Paul, who throughout his life in the church never once made any claim to DESERVE to be called such, gives us in the verse from Romans 7 a perfect picture of the relation between flesh and spirit.
God's holy standard has existed from before the foundations of the world. Mankind's total inability to adhere to that standard has been perfectly evident since the fall of Adam. Those whose lives have been redeemed according to the election which is of grace have been granted such a proper view of sin as is conveyed in Paul's words. In short, this means that the reality of God's standard of holiness AND the impending judgment of those who have violated that standard are ALWAYS before the eyes of the regenerate man. The Bible says of those who are unregenrate that "there is no fear of God before their eyes". Do the ANNOUNCEMENT of God's Law and the PRONOUNCEMENT of my soul give me pause at every point of decision in my life? Is the FEAR, the reverent and holy fear, of a Sovereign and absolute Lord over all that live resounding from within the corruption of my flesh? Am I contending with the law of God by saying that my 'once in a while' indulgences are somehow exempt from the requirement of God's law of holiness and separation from the world and its lusts? Is the language of the addict still resounding from my heart, or have the vision of God's sovereign rule and the fear of His might been imparted to my soul? Where is the Scripture that frees us to indulge? The gilded halls of Romish licentiousness might hold some empty treasure of liberty to sin for the price of a few recitations, but nowhere do I find the inspired utterance of prophet nor apostle nor our Savior calling us to ignore the peril of the slippery slope of compromise. "Let him that standeth take heed, lest he fall." "God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble." Are the prideful hearts and haughty looks of sinners who have not washed their hands to be found among us? Is the admonition of the apostle to "let not iniquity be named among you" simply a false and pietistic platitude?
Heavenly and righteous Father, we beseech Thee and entreat Thy merciful Seat for the hunger and thirst after righteousness to be revived and intensified in our souls, that we might long after Thee "as the hart panteth for the waters". Grant Thou this abasement of ourselves in the dust, to be lifted only by Thy power and through Thy grace alone. This we ask in the Name of and for the sake of Christ Who is alone the Satisfaction of Thy holy law. Amen.


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