Monday, May 22, 2006

Matthew J. Slick, CARM and the Catholic Whore

"Christian Apologetics Research Ministry", or CARM, written and maintained by a man named Matthew J. Slick, had this to say about whether Roman Catholics are Christians:

"Finally, I believe that there are truly regenerate Christians in the Roman Catholic church. But, they are truly Christians in spite of official RCC theology and in spite of the ritualistic offerings of this ancient church which has had too many hands meddling in it through the centuries, gradually moving it away from orthodoxy and into apostasy. Yes apostasy. The Roman Catholic Church is no longer representing true Christianity." (emphases mine)

Mr. Slick claims that they "are truly Christians in spite of official RCC theology". What Mr. Slick fails completely to understand or to make clear is that these people are not suffering patiently while waiting for someone to redeem their corrupt 'church'. These so-called "tru(e) Christians" are bowing to images, offering prayers to the dead, venerating 'Mary', depending upon priestly absolution of their sins and calling a mere man their 'Holy Father'. No, Mr. Slick, these are not people who are saved in spite of wrong church teaching. These are unregenerate sinners who are weekly or even daily taking part in the whoredoms of Rome's false religion.
Secondly, Mr. Slick says that "this ancient church" gradually moved away from orthodoxy. Nothing could be further from the truth. The church that existed before these heretical inventions still exists, and it has never drifted into heresy and apostasy. These damnable heresies were introduced to the world by people who founded a false church whether they realized it or not. The sinful practices of Romish apostates were never part of the worship of the true church. As soon as the first of these disgusting practices were made 'official' doctrine, the 'church' that promoted that doctrine became as a matter of fact a new and opposite religion to the religion of the Christian church. No saved person ever bowed down to Rome's idols while they were in a regenerate state. Luther, Hus, Calvin, Zwingli and the other Reformers saw the destructive and altogether hellish root of the 'church' they once professed, and, God having opened their eyes, they departed as fast as they could. The words the Reformers used, yes, even the word Reformation itself, were simply God's means to accomplish His end of saving those in the world who were bound by Romish or other satanic religion. There could be then nor could be now a true reformation of Rome; there was simply an opportunity created and taken to declare God's truth against the opposition of the heretical Romish hierarchy.

Mr. Slick, recant those false words and repent of such a blasphemous position before you find your slippery slope giving way, and yourself on the road to 'fellowship' with the idolaters in Rome.


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