Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Book of the Acts of the Apostles, chapter eight:

[18] And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money,[19] Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost.[20] But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.[21] Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God.[22] Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee.[23] For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity.[24] Then answered Simon, and said, Pray ye to the Lord for me, that none of these things which ye have spoken come upon me.

For many years now over the last two centuries, men have blithely and boldly come to the Church of Jesus Christ and have offered their ideas about bargaining with the power of God. Foolish men have offered to bring everything to the table from rock-music 'evangelism' to 'casual church' that is light on doctrine and heavy on spiritual 'comfort food' for the fat, lazy, indolent masses. Whatever esteemed thing men have held in high regard, they have always, at one time or another, carried it like Cain's sacrifice to the altar of God. Just like Cain's sacrifice, these prideful offerings have been rejected by God altogether. Oh, the numbers may have swollen, and the approval ratings of the preachers may have risen some significant amount, but the Spirit of God has not been pleased to do anything at all except allow these Pied Pipers of shallow spirituality to lull the unbelieving children of wrath to sleep.

If there has been one constant ruse that Satan has employed to trick the lost sinner into a false sense of security in his compromised beliefs, it is the idea that giving to a worthy cause or making a show of charity towards the church might somehow procure blessings for the giver. In the above passage, we see Simon, one who has spent his time for years fooling people with magic and trickery. Doubtless, he made his living by performing in this way. When he saw the real, God-given ability to preach and see God's sovereign grace displayed in the lives of sinners, however, he simply had no choice but to try and get in on what these men were doing. The only way he saw to do so was to offer money; he had no reason to act as though he believed this activity was truly spiritual. He guessed, however wrongly, that the secret to doing what these men did could be learned if he made a contribution to their well-being and got in good with them.

Watch, friends, the change that came over the heart of Simon when he realized that these Apostles were indeed speaking of and acting within the bounds of a deep and powerful spiritual reality! When it was revealed to Simon that his motives were not only misguided, but were the fruit of an unregenerate heart, he cried, convicted, PRAY FOR ME! PRAY! All of a sudden, all of the very best intentions and sincere attendance to matters religious have failed to produce God's approval, and so the heart-cry becomes prayer, deep and earnest and sorrowful prayer, because the impending judgment of God's wrath is due to arrive in its fullness at this professed believer's doorstep soon!

When the Holy Spirit truly visits the people of God, there is a genuine hunger for prayer that has preceded His arrival. Prayer is the 'straight highway' in the desert that we are called to make for our God! Have we, like Simon, believed that programs and financial growth and even personal enthusiasm are the keys to the ability to minister in the power of the Holy Ghost? Have we seen the human organization called the church as some 'boy's club' that we would do well to ingratiate ourselves to? Let the truly fire-branded prophet of God in his generation look those foolish ideas and their thinkers in the eye and pronounce their impending death, and watch the Spirit of God move an impenitent heart to prayer and repentance.

God Almighty, we beseech Thee that thou wouldst tear asunder the blueprints of sinful man's designs upon Thy Church and instead visit us with Thy fire which consumes dross and purifies souls. Sovereign Lord, do not leave us with only our failed and foolish programs to guide us, but instead take hold of our hearts and set them ablaze with zeal for the glory of the triune God. Move us, Thou helper of the helpless, to pray and be vigilant against the pride of life that would cause us to trust in riches or degrees or the esteem of men. For this we ask in Jesus' Name, Who alone is the Baptizer with fire. Amen.


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