When Luther, Hus and others looked out over the ecclesiastical landscape of their world, they saw things which stood out not only as heretical (which definition might be lost on so vast a majority of the souls in the world) but as simply dangerous to souls. This was because of a poisonous combination of personal ignorance of Scripture and blind obedience to the clergy, which itself grew from that ignorance. There was, in fact, a vicious cycle begun in the darkest days of ecclesiastical abuse:
1) Allow people to remain ignorant of Scripture.
2) Abuse the regulations set forth in Scripture.
3) Upon being confronted, accuse the questioner of being ignorant of Scripture.
4) Repeat, beginning with #1.
The church INvisible was under the thumb of the 'church' visible throughout the world, and to this day the only heresies that are recorded in Romanist histories are those that bear no real resemblance to Biblical Christianity at all, in order that the pale facade that Rome presents might be passed off as Biblical because it seems to more closely conform to the Word of God.
Today, the Catholic organization refers to those who hold to Biblical Christianity as 'separated brethren', as though all we would have to do would be to stope being so stubborn and add to our Godly doctrine the perversions of Rome; then all would be equal. There are those in the world today who actually believe that, but for the 'few' differences, Rome and the Christian faith are not different at all. They do not understand that at the heart of the Romish faith is NOT Biblical truth covered with a few splatterings of error, but rather a putrid corpse wrapped in a veneer of doctrines taken piecemeal from the Bible by doing unalloyed violence to the texts thereof.
The time has come, and that not soon enough, for the throwing down of the gauntlet. The time has come for the ivy-covered, mahoganied halls of theology to be emptied as the faint of heart and limp of wrist stand aside from the fracas. The time has come not for the polite, tea-driven nicey-nice playacting of 'interfaith dialogue', but for the sound of the hammer's assault on Wittenburg's door once again! The liberation of men from their chains has never been a pretty and powdered affair; even the most genteel of statesmen in America's history found themselves shouldering smoking muskets. This struggle goes so far beyond national boundaries that it cannot be compared to any conflict ever faced by human hearts longing to be set at liberty.
This is no battle for the right to be heard; this is a battle that must be taken to the enemy, and to the death. Christ's glory is imprisoned in gilded boxes. The thrice-Holy One is being named in the conspiracy to exalt a pagan Queen! The precious Word of God is held under the evil lock and key of papal pronouncements and episcopal decrees and declarations!
What do I advocate? No harm to property, only to Popery. No injury to devotees, only to doctrines. No attacks on Romish citizens, just on the silence! Raise once again the voices of indignation rather than invitation! Confrontation before compromise! Let the robed and mitred pagan priesthood be forewarned that there is no more welcome mat at the door of the public arena! We, elect of God, must meet their insolence with Rock-solid truth!
What indeed should we expect if we allow this licentious woman to parade around any longer, playing the harlot and breeding after her own filthy kind? Has she not raised the cup of martyr's blood in salute to her abominations enough times? Has she not laughed over the damned souls she has enticed for long enough? NO MORE of this comfortable conformity to etiquette and 'mutual respect'. A man, we can afford the dignity of his place in God's creation, but let that man insist that the respect and honor that I extend to him must be founded upon his status in the twisted circus of perversions that sitteth upon seven hills. That man will soon find himself alone at the table with God's 'woes' still ringing in his ears.
The Romish Queen of Romish 'heaven', that painted whore, has danced and side-stepped around the blunted points of evangelical pens for centuries. She has avoided with great facility the attempts of the 'theologians' to either intimidate her or 're-image' her role in the world. This feminine Philistine, this she-giant, has taunted the elect of God and blasphemed His holy Name once too many times for the point of God's Sword to stand it any longer. The Sword of the Lord divides soul from spirit in His chosen ones; it divides head from carcass in his enemies. She has offered the world her filthy, false 'flesh and blood'; we must promise her that she shall feed the birds and the beasts with her flesh.
"Unless I am convicted by Scripture and plain reason—I do not accept the authority of popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other—my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe."
-Martin Luther