Monday, May 08, 2006

(with apologies for the spelling to my almost-4-year-old who coined the word)

'Ickscusting' is her word of choice for things that are yucky or nasty to eat. She once asked me, "Daddy, what are you eating?" I replied (it was yogurt) "a big bowl of glue." She wrinkled her nose and said, "noooo!" I asked what the trouble was. She replied, "that's ick-scusting." Try though I did, I could not get her to imagine with me that eating glue would be fun. Not even a little bit; not for a second.
David the Psalmist prayed that he would be given a heart that hated the things that God hates. Sin, that is to say any offense against the holy character of God, is hateful to Him, and eternally and absolutely so. Dare we to imagine that it is possible that we might gain even the slightest understanding of that perfect and righteous aversion to sin? By the grace of God, we have been saved, and we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. The indwelling Holy Spirit of God convicts of sin, and it is His holy response to sin that we can sense in our spirit. we can know, according to the Word of God, what is that perfect and acceptable will of God. The guidance of the saint by the Holy Spirit into all truth is the pathway down which we can travel in His holiness. We can know the grace of seeing, with spiritual eyes, the difference between the holy and the profane.
Eternal God, Thou Who hast saved Thy own and called us with an everlasting calling unto Thyself, grant by Thy mercy that we might feel Thy Spirit's holy and pure indignation at the very thought of sin, so that we by Thy direction might avoid the snares and entanglements thereof. For Thy glory and in Christ's Name we humbly ask. Amen.